<p><strong>I had been wanting to hunt a heavily hunted area (Court House) and took a chance.</strong> First trip the ground was bone dry and I was pulling up on Memorial Penny's then got a good sounding signal that was a repeatable 40 with my 9" Concentric 3.0kHz Minelab coil. I'm thinking I want a Barber so bad, and I see the glint of silver ... I'm so excited but only expecting at best a Merc but it wasn't, wasn't a Barber either but a Seated Dime. Blowed right past the Barber.</p>
<p>During the week we got about 3" of rain after a long dry spell I thought it was time to try again, and I get this soft but repeatable signal and don't even remember the # and starting digging and hitting it with my pinpointer and about 4" down I throw some dirt out of the hole and have something in that scoop, and I'm not seeing it but finally see a little object, no bigger than a poprivet head so I'm not real excited till I start to clean it a little and I can see a star in the center so I'm thinking huh, probably a button or pin from the sheriff dept or something but then I start seeing a date and United States of America. Huh, a pin or button would not have a date so I clean a little on the other side and end up seeing a big C with III inside the C... oh no... I have my wife look up 3 cent piece and by golly it matches 1853 Type 1... OMG... I love my Minelab and my X-TERRA 705 with the 3.0 kHz coil... light weight and can run with any machine out there.</p