During the cold New Hampshire winters, we cannot metal detect. This past winter, I spent a lot of time doing research on places to metal detect in my area for when it warmed up. I have read many stories and realized that prior research is the key to success. This was my first attempt at researching metal detecting sites, and I found it to be well worth the time and effort.
I went to the public library and started reading the history of the towns and events that might have attracted large crowds many years ago. All of these coins were found in the same approximate area, which was the site of an Old Home Day celebration in the early 1900's. In addition to the coins pictured here, I also found an unreadable Indian Head penny and a Barber dime.
I had such a great feeling finding these old coins, especially the 1845 half-dime. In my entire metal detecting career, this coin is the oldest piece of silver I have found. I was so happy my research paid off.