
40 Years of Detecting = Nice Copper Finds


<p><strong>My name is Bill and I live in Michigan. I am now in my early seventies, but my yearning for the discovery of copper artifacts began about 35 years ago.</strong> But first let me tell you my introduction to the world of metal detecting.</p> <p>I started metal detecting some 40 plus years ago. My first detector was a White’s. I've tried a couple other brands but have always had a White’s and now use the brand exclusively. I now use the V3i and the Surf PI Pro for water detecting.</p> [split] <p>About 35 years ago I was coin shooting at the edge of Lake Michigan and found my very first artifact, a copper Indian arrowhead. That find prompted me to visit our local library and read all the books I could find about the copper age Indians, which at that time copper age artifact literature was pretty scarce. I learned that the copper age here in the Upper Peninsula copper was moved by the glaciers and one of the most concentrated areas to find it is in 5 or 6 counties in the western part of the Upper Peninsula.</p> <p>After that first discovery and doing the research, over the next 3 or 4 years I did find a couple spearheads. Then one day a farmer friend mentioned he’d found something after plowing his field and asked me if I could identify them. Wow! They were 2 nice copper spearheads!! I soon got his permission to detect his 500 acres, but had to wait until his crops were harvested. It seemed like an eternity. When fall finally came I headed for the fields with my detector.</p> <p>I also hit the area the following summer. I started at the lake edge and worked inland. This area was settled in the mid 1800’s so I set my 6000 DB in the GEB discriminate mode to avoid most of the “junk”. The first day was a bust as far as copper artifacts, but I did find some Indian pennies, some small pieces of float copper and a bad case of poison ivy! To make a long story short, over the next few years I did find over 100 copper tools and copper hunting artifacts, some Barber coins, along with a large 1847 cent in extra fine condition, and several more Indian head pennies.</p> <p>I still go back to the area, but finds are now very scarce. These finds ignited an interest in copper artifacts that will be with me for life.</p>


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