<p><strong>It was getting late in the season and I decided I had better get out and do some detecting before the weather changed for the worse.</strong> So, I usually just drive around and look for a yard to detect and then stop and see if the homeowner will let me detect. I was really happy when this one homeowner said “yes”.</p>
<p> I pulled out my V3i and started detecting and was detecting for about an hour finding a few clad and some aluminum foil. I usually check aluminum foil because that is where rings come in at those levels. I got a good ring signal and started digging. Then at a few inches down, out popped a class ring with a blue stone! Wow. This made my day because it was the first class ring I have ever found. I detected the rest of the yard and only found a few more clad and two Wheaties.</p>
<p>After detecting I went home to see if I could find the owner of the ring on the Web but didn’t have too much luck. So, I talked to a guy I worked with because his wife worked for the high school where the ring was from. Within an hour, she texted him back with a phone number of the owner. I called the ring’s owner and by the end of the day, the right full owner had her ring back in her possession. I asked if she could remember when and where she lost it and she said she thought around 6 to 7 years ago. However, she didn’t remember where it was lost. When I told her where I found it she said they used to live on the street where it was found. I was really happy that I could find the owner of the ring and she was extremely happy to get it back after all those years of it lost. White's thanks for a really great detector and a fun hobby to be in.</p>