<p><strong>On a very hot day this summer here in Southern California while hunting our favorite beach, my friend Rich and I decided to call it quits.</strong> The heat (100') had drained our energy.</p>
<p>I was happy to have found 3 rings and 1 chain that day. And Rich had got most of the clad coins. All of a sudden, a few feet away before stepping off the dry sand my faithful 8 months old Fisher Gold Bug Pro gave out all sorts of beeps and multiple signals like never before. Don't know what was the look on my face, but Rich asked me what was happening.</p>
<p>I unplugged my earphones from my detector (always use earphones saves battery life and only you can hear the targets found) and I swept over my target for Rich to hear.</p>
<p>Our exitement was on overload a good 10+. Not sure what it was I decided to scoop it and to our surprise it turned out to be a small treasure chest. The chest had become unglued in the hot sand but still kept its contents of coins and a very special note that read: "YE WHO FINDS THIS TREASURE IS NOT ONLY LUCKY BUT ALSO YE IS VERY SPECIAL AND HAS MANY UNTAPPED POWERS."</p>
<p>Wow, I don't have words to describe the feelings.</p>
<p>That day I found not one but two treasures one was the box and its contents and two that there are still modern day PIRATES that do still bury their loot in the sand for someone like me to find it. THANK YOU who ever you are YOU made my day and now I too have my own treasure and a story to last the rest of my life.</p>
<p>Luis Jauregui </p>

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