On Feb 22nd, 2021 I dug my first hole ever metal detecting with the Minelab Equinox 800. I found a few clad coins and some scraps. Few days later, my metal detecting manual said to start in your front yard, so on day 3 I stepped out my front door to do just that. I got a really nice 24-28 VDI signal just 3 feet off my porch. I dug a very inexperienced huge hole, grabbed my pin pointer and started to target. After finding a few nails, a screw and a penny (in the same huge hole), out pops the most beautiful sterling silver marked ring that I have ever seen. It is absolutely amazing! Still my favorite find to date. The incredible red colors from the stone blow my mind. I have been addicted to metal detecting ever since. Metal detecting is the most rewarding hobby I have ever known.