My name is Shawn Rauch. I’ve been detecting for 6 years. I live in Sarasota, FL and primarily hunt in the water and at beaches, but I do all types of hunting. I’ll actually be going to Scotland in a few weeks to hunt near a castle for a week!
Recently, I was approached on the beach by a man who had lost his gold chain and pendant that he’s been wearing for the last 40 years. I was using an Excalibur 2 that came from you guys.
He was in waist deep water and his son had found the chain with a mask and snorkel. Unfortunately the pendant that his girlfriend 40 years ago had specially made for him, was still missing though.
Thankfully the family stood in the area where it was lost. 5 minutes with my metal detector, and this priceless piece was back with its owner!
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