<p><strong>The first day.</strong></p>
<p>My first goal is placer gold nuggets. I went out some place and valley of placer gold comes out. I use the Boost mode and ID MASK value is 47, Sensitivity value is 85. Note that I use the same value with the beach. I had about two hours using detectors and was found 5 ~ 6mm a few pieces of placer gold, 18K gold ring, gold necklace parts, some coins. I use a combination of Gold snipping and metal detecting. </p>
<p>The second day.</p>
<p>I went two places of the valley and found some coins and a beautiful crystal gold.. Fors Gold were screamed and I found this beautiful crystal gold in the crevices. In addition, I was dropped twice in the water and quickly power off by disconnecting the plug. I wish to waterproof with Fors Gold.</p>
<p>One day in May</p>
<p>I went up some place that picked up the following large nugget. Note that last year, I had found large nugget in the water downstream. This place is most of bedrock. I had using detectors about three hours and found a nuggets & electrum gold. That seems about 3 or 4grams. </p>
<p>Beach hunting with Fors Gold.</p>
<p>Sorry Fors CoRe but i went beach hunting with Fors Gold. Note that occasionally I also used Velox one, Golden sense. I am going to the beach is very high minerals. If the common beach, then Velox one is demonstrate the deep detection without problem. But high mineral beach is not good. As always, I finished the set with the following values. Boost mode and ID MASK value is 47~49, Sensitivity value is 80~85. If you set too high sensitivity about 90~95, then severe overloads. I think that Fors Gold’s purpose is placer gold. Although some mineral reactions there is no problem such as find out coins or ring, necklace. I think that Velox one & Fors Gold is good for detecting necklace. Note that most of the detector failed to detect the necklace. </p>
<p>The photo is about four hours every three days as a result of beach hunting with Fors Gold. Note that I have excluded most of the coins and silver goods. I only take pictures found gold goods. </p>
<p>* Results ; 14K Emerald gold ring, Dental gold teeth, 14K gold ring, 24K gold ring, silver ring & pendants, coins.</p>