Best Metal Detector For Kids
Published by Jenna Anderson on 06/26/16
Top 5 Metal Detectors for Kids
Getting kids into different Hobbies is great for a multitude of reasons. Our post on why kids should metal detect over the summer break has been a big hit. To make sure kids are successful in anything they pursue they need the right equipment. As a hobby that is mainly enjoyed by adults, finding a machine for a smaller body novice can be tough. To give you a good place to start we put together a list of the top 5 metal detectors for kids ordered by age range.
Bounty Hunter Junior T.I.D. Metal Detector

Bounty Hunter Junior T.I.D. Metal Detector
The Junior T.I.D. is a great detector for the smallest of detectorists with a minimum length of 19 in and suggested for ages 6 and up. The target segmenting is represented by a frown face, curious face, and a smiley to indicate if the target should be good. To get kids to understand what a target actually is the top is labeled with images of Iron, gold/nickel, and a quarter. There is even a visual depth indicator and a warning that the coil is too close to the ground. Kids can even discriminate against targets that they would rather ignore at the push of a button.
White’s XVenture Metal Detector

White’s XVenture Metal Detector
The XVenture is meant for kids 7 and up with a minimum length of 24.5 in. This made for kids metal detector segments out targets 7 different ways using colored lights and icons that are directly on the detector control box. The tone’s strength changes depending on how deep the target is. So, just because there isn’t a visual depth indicator you can get a decent idea of how deep it is with enough practice. When you add the pinpoint mode and sensitivity boost you can see that this is a solid machine for any budding detectorist.
Minelab GO-FIND 22 Metal Detector

Minelab GO-FIND 22 Metal Detector
The most compact metal detector on this list is the GO-FIND 22 – it folds up to just under 22 in. Don’t let its size fool you though, this machine can detect just as well at the beach as at the park without touching any settings. the Easy Trak feature adjusts to the ground type all on its own to reduce noise and help you find targets quicker. Speaking of targets, the LCD screen shows all the targets it can pick up and when it gets a hit the icon for the signal flashes. It only has two-tone segments but this will help young ears really grasp what a bad vs good signal sounds like. This could really help make sure kids don’t get overwhelmed by everything they need to learn – kind of like crawling before walking.
Teknetics Digitek Metal Detector

Teknetics Digitek Metal Detector
The Digitek metal detector was created specifically with tweens and teens in mind. This machine has many similar features of adult detectors while keeping in mind the height difference. It’s a great midway detector for a middle schooler who has been detecting for several years. They have a great understanding of the hobby and the other detectors are limiting them from growing but the more advanced detectors are too big for their height and arm length. it allows for greater control of discrimination to find great targets that are deeper while ignoring trash.
Garrett ACE 150 Metal Detector

Garrett ACE 150 Metal Detector
The ACE 150 Is an adult entry level metal detector that is easy to use. The control box features a push-button control and a very user-friendly LCD screen. With preset search modes and adjustable sensitivity, you can be sure that the teen in your life will get good targets without much fuss. Even better is the ability to change out search coils so you can change either the depth or accuracy of the hunt without the need of a different detector.
As you can see, there are detectors suitable for any age range. To learn more about each detector, be sure to check out the product pages. There we offer in-depth specs to make sure you have all the tools you need to teach the kiddos how to use their new detector.
Top Reasons for Kids to Metal Detect Over Summer Break
Summer break is right around the corner. Here in Florida, the last day of school for many districts is at the end of May. That also means that educators are warning about the potential for a summer backslide in what kids have learned. Thankfully metal detecting can help with that. We know that there are benefits to detecting for adults but have you thought about the potential for kids?
Gaining Research Skills

Gaining Research Skills
Finding a great place to hunt doesn’t happen by accident. There is a lot of time spent examining lore and old maps of towns to figure out where a treasure trove could be hidden. Kids need this kind of brain stimulation to keep sharp. Plus it will give them a boost for when they need to write papers. They will be expected to research topics that may not be the most fun but are important. If they can learn how to do this early on and using non-digital formats, they could be well on their way to knowing how to spot a quality source.
Sense of Community
It’s human nature to want to be apart of something larger than ourselves – kids are no exception. Giving them the opportunity to research will show them things about the area they live in that they may not have known. Even if they are taught local history in school, there may be some things that just don’t make it into the curriculum. When interesting and less known facts are found, we typically like to hold onto it and kids will do the same.

Sense Of Community
Beyond the area they live in, they could join a detecting club. This can show that there is a large group of people in the hobby. They can even see how detectorists help others where they live. Many clubs offer to help people find lost jewelry and artifacts. Some even help out law enforcement with the recovery of evidence.
Youth today are notorious for wanting to stay inside and play video games or watch TV. This usually stems from being bored. The best way to combat this is having activities lined up for them to do. Activities and play are how kids exercise. Metal detecting is great for this since it can usually be a full day adventure. They could even want to stay out longer if they have spent a lot of time researching the area and think they could find something awesome.
Quality Time
Spending time with the youth has many benefits. You can pass on some great stories and lessons. You can do this by helping them research and when they seem stuck give them a tip on what you do when you need to jostle and idea free. When you are out in the field they may look to you for guidance on how best to find and dig a target. It’s been my experience that kids love to bond and make memories with the adults in their lives, and this is a fantastic way to do that.
Critical Thinking
There are some things that just take time to understand fully. The way a metal detector reacts in different soil is one of those things. This is why when starting out it’s a good idea to dig every target. As you get better then you can be more discerning – this is a form of critical thinking. This can help kids brains start to make better connections on how to research topics objectively and come to a rational conclusion.
Final thoughts
There are better ways to beat the summer slump than staying inside with workbooks. Getting out in the sun with a metal detector can help kids learn lots of valuable lessons, even if they don’t realize it right now.
If you are ready to get a jump on a fun summer activity, check out our selection of kids detectors.