<p><strong>I finally got out with my M6!</strong> All that I can say is wow!! I decided to hunt an old park in the city of Saskatoon. I was using the Eclipse 5.3 and ground balance, and then switched to lock. I set the sensitivity at around 85. I started hunting low and slow, I found a total of 21 silver coins! Six 5 cent pieces (1898-1917), 8 dimes (1906-1966), 7 quarters (1902-1966) and I even found a key date 1923 Canada 1 cent in great shape!</p>
<p>The 1898 5 cent piece locked on 1c 10c and was located 7.5 inches deep and this is with the 5.3 coil. I was totally amazed that the tiny coin locked on so good and had a nice signal. I found some newer coins that someone else had detected and probed for but didn’t recover. I love the M6!!! I can’t wait to get out the second time with the M6!!! I forgot to mention that I was using the Ratphones and I really recommend them! The deepest come through really great. I hunted that park from 8:00am-5:00pm on Saturday.</p>