I went out for a midnight beach hunt during low tide last Friday 9/11/2020 with a friend. While my friend was working in the dry sand using the Equinox 800, I worked in the wet with my Equinox 600. My settings set at Beach 2- 25 sensitivity, GB 0, Tones 50 & Iron Bias 2. 20 minutes into the hunt and after two trashy targets, I pull out my first Ring of the night, a .925 women's silver ring with opal Rang up 23. 30 minutes passed by and several more can slaw targets, I pull out Ring #2. This Time, the ring was in the shape of "Hello Kitty" w/ tiny diamond stamped 10K Rang up 3. An hour passed and the targets disappeared, I made my way back to where I was finding the rings to continue hunting. Then I started to finding some clad and a few more pieces of can slaw/bottle caps. Moments later this third low sounding target registered on my nox and at the time I wasn't paying any attention to the TDI, just by sound. What I found, I wasn't expecting had me saying "OMG" multiple times. I called my buddy over to record my find. At first it appeared to be another melted piece of aluminum scrap/can slaw when I noticed a funny looking shape that resembled human teeth. I put the target into the scoop and walked into the water to wash it off. When I looked into the scoop, I saw what looked to be gold teeth. My buddy came over to have a look at it and he was shocked. In his own words "Are You Kidding Me Bro?" along with some other words that I can't share but it was in a good way and we both couldn't believe what I found. The gold teeth without the actual teeth in it rang up on the equinox as a solid 9. After finding the teeth we were about to end our hunt when I found Ring #3, this time a men's .925 Silver Ring which rang up 32. My buddy wasn't as lucky as I was but he did end up finding a women's .925 silver ring w/ a tiny diamond and a junk CZ Earring. The next day I tested the teeth using 18K acid test, no good. Then tested with 22K which passed, it weighed 4.999 grams. I asked my sister who Is a dental hygienist about the teeth and she told me that its a bridge for teeth #6-#11. No I did not try them on as I had several people ask me, lol. I normally find multiple rings in one hunt but never ever imagine that I would pull someones teeth out of the sand. It goes to show you that You Never Know Whats Buried Under Your Feet. Good Luck & Happy Hunting.

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