My name is William Huss or "Tricky", and I've been metal detecting for about three years.
The finds shown are a silver plated flat button (no makers mark), a silver thimble, four wheat pennies, a 1914 buffalo nickel, an 1890 Indian head cent, a golf plated cufflink with a small stone in the center. There is also a key with an ornate design with the company P&F Corbin New Britain, CT as well as what I believe to be a type of oval pin.
The finds in the larger picture are a silver plated fork, a handle off a butter knife, and an old head off of a golf club.
These were all found around a golf course established in the 1930s. The house and area surrounding however, dates back to some point in the early to mid 1800s. (Info provided by the owners).
My gear is the White's MX Sport with the 13" Detech coil and the White's TRX pinpointer.
This hunt lasted about 8 hours and was extremely difficult. Persistence paid off, however, after numerous bad targets and pull tabs I finally got my first good target, I found a silver plated flat button. Not long after that I found the 1914 Buffalo nickel as well as the 1890 Indian Head Cent shortly thereafter. All of those finds were on the course itself.
While detecting around the house I found the silver plated fork, the ornate cufflink, the key, the golf club head and the knife handle.