
Hoards of Medieval Silver Coins


<p><strong>A few days ago, along with my father and an older person who found many years ago by chance some medieval coins during the reign of Michael the Brave, we came together in a great area Dolj County pasture to try our luck.</strong></p> <p>I did not know where to start and I chose at random, an area that I began to detect a few hours. After half of the day when I thought I would not find anything, I found the first coin. Then my detector Minelab Safari started making crazy sounds that I will not forget.</p> [split] <p>Depth was about 50 cm from where I took most silver coins. It was a unique sensation that I will never forget...</p> <p>Yesterday I went the hoards to the Museum of history Craiova (Muzeul Olteniei).It's about 1.468 medieval silver coins from XVI-XVII centuries. Of these 1416 are akce turkish coins , and other beautiful and well preserved European silver coins, thalers, grosch and denars issued by emperors, kings and European leaders such as Maximilian II , Ferdinand , Rudolf II.</p> <p>I'm still excited by what happened and my Minelab metal detector made his job very well.</p> <p>Thank you for everything and I hope to meet here again soon.</p> <p>Best regards from Romania!</p>


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