
Identification Mark


<p><strong>So I after 7 years of searching finally made finding German identification marks found in the woods, a great joy. </strong></p> <ul> Number of soldiers: 641<br> Mark: 3.Battr.Art.Ers.Abt.75<br> Blood Type: A<br> Unit: 3rd Batterie / Artillerie Ersatz Abteilung 75 (mot)<br> Formatting: WH - Heer<br> Found: Melnik / Czech Republic</ul> <p>3rd Batterie / Artillerie Ersatz Abteilung 75 (mot) <br> 3rd Battery / 75 Artillery backup partition (mot)</p> <p>Section founded in August 1939 in Neuruppin (Wehrkreis III, Berlin), in December 1939 he moved to the town of Eberswalde. In April 1943, it was reorganized to Artillerie Ersatz und Ausbildungs ​​Abteilung 75 (mot).</p>


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