
Inspiring Treasure Hunters: The Remarkable Discovery of 1715 Fleet Silver Coins


In May, an incredible treasure discovery was made off the east coast of Florida! Over 210 silver reales, mostly eights and fours, were found on the ocean floor. These coins, lost since the sinking of the 1715 Fleet over 300 years ago, are a rare and exciting find. This recovery not only reignites the thrill of treasure hunting but also shows the dedication and expertise of modern treasure hunters. Let this story inspire you to embark on your own treasure-hunting adventures!

The Historic 1715 Fleet Shipwreck

The 1715 Fleet, filled with Spanish ships loaded with treasure, met a tragic fate when a hurricane struck off the coast of Florida. These ships, carrying riches from the New World to Spain, were scattered and shattered by the storm, leaving their precious cargo buried in the sands and waters of the Atlantic. Over the years, these wreck sites have become hotspots for treasure hunters, eager to unearth pieces of history and valuable finds.

The Discovery: A Bounty of Silver Coins

The recent discovery of over 210 silver reales is a big deal! Finding so many coins in one spot is rare these days. Back in the 1960s, it wasn't unusual for divers to recover thousands of Fleet-related silver coins in a single day. But today, such massive hauls are few and far between, making this find even more remarkable. The coins, initially encrusted with ocean deposits, were barely recognizable. But the experienced divers knew they had hit the jackpot! Their discovery adds an exciting new chapter to the ongoing saga of the 1715 Fleet treasures.

The Team Behind the Find

The team behind this fantastic discovery is the crew of the Lilly May. Mike Penninger, Corrinne Lea, Nick Amelio, and Grant Gitschlag worked tirelessly to bring these silver coins to the surface. Their combined experience and passion for treasure hunting played a huge role in this successful recovery. Each member brought unique skills to the table, making them an unstoppable treasure-hunting team.

The Recovery Process

Recovering treasure from the ocean is no small feat. The team carefully planned their dives, using advanced equipment to locate and retrieve the coins. Once they found the treasure, they had to meticulously clean and conserve the coins to reveal their true beauty. This process involves removing the encrusted material and preserving the coins, ensuring they can be studied and enjoyed by the treasure-hunting community.

Tools and Techniques

Modern treasure hunting relies heavily on advanced tools and techniques, and this find was no exception. The crew used high-performance metal detectors designed for underwater exploration. They employed the Aquascan Aquapulse AQ1B Diver Kit, known for its exceptional depth range and sensitivity. This powerful detector can locate objects up to 10 feet deep, making it ideal for finding treasures buried under layers of sand and sediment.

The AQ1B features a 15-inch submersible coil, providing extensive coverage and pinpoint accuracy, essential for locating scattered coins. Its pulse induction technology excels in saltwater environments, ensuring minimal interference and maximum detection capability. The detector's ability to reject surface clutter, such as pull tabs and foil, allows treasure hunters to focus on valuable targets.

In addition to the AQ1B, the team used the Nokta Makro PulseDive Scuba Detector. This versatile tool can switch from a scuba detector to a pinpointer with ease, perfect for divers who need to adjust quickly to different conditions. Its pulse induction technology ensures reliable performance in both saltwater and highly mineralized soils, while the rapid retune feature adapts to changing environments instantly.

Experienced detectorists understand that recognizing buried treasure involves more than just advanced equipment. The crew’s years of practice and sharp observational skills played a crucial role in identifying the encrusted silver coins among the ocean floor's natural debris. Their expertise in using these detectors effectively ensured a successful recovery, adding a valuable chapter to the story of the 1715 Fleet treasures.

Real-Life Experiences from the Crew

The excitement of uncovering historical treasures is unmatched. Grant Gitschlag, one of the treasure hunters and the boat captain, described the moment of discovery as "kind of numbing in a way, you know. You don’t expect that. You always hope for it, but you never expect it." Corrinne Lea, another crew member, echoed this sentiment, saying, "I wasn’t expecting it. I wasn’t expecting it at all, which is how the greatest finds come about." These personal accounts highlight the thrill and unpredictability of treasure hunting, where every dive holds the potential for an extraordinary find.

The Excitement of the Find

Finding over 210 silver reales in just a few days was an exhilarating experience for the crew of the Lilly May. The sheer quantity of coins, coupled with their historical significance, made this discovery truly special. Corrinne Lea expressed her passion for the hunt, stating, "It’s the find. It’s all about the find. I love the history, being the first person up in 309 years to find what was once lost in a tragedy." The discovery not only brought joy and excitement to the crew but also reignited their passion for exploring the ocean's hidden treasures.

The Importance of Conservation

Once the treasure is brought to the surface, the hard work of conservation begins. Preserving these historical artifacts is crucial to ensure they can be studied and appreciated by future generations. The silver coins, encrusted with 300 years’ worth of sand and shell, require meticulous cleaning and conservation efforts. This process involves removing the encrusted material to reveal the coins' true beauty and historical value. Conservation not only preserves the physical integrity of the coins but also protects the historical information they carry.

Encouraging Future Treasure Hunters

The discovery of the 1715 Fleet silver coins serves as a powerful inspiration for future treasure hunters. It shows that with the right tools, expertise, and determination, remarkable discoveries are still possible. For those looking to embark on their own treasure-hunting adventures, choosing the right equipment is essential. High-quality metal detectors like the Aquascan Aquapulse AQ1B and Nokta Makro PulseDive Scuba Detector can significantly enhance your chances of success. Moreover, learning from the experiences of seasoned treasure hunters can provide valuable insights and tips for your own explorations.

The Legacy of the 1715 Fleet Discoveries

The discoveries from the 1715 Fleet continue to captivate and inspire treasure hunters around the world. Each find adds to our understanding of history and the events that led to the fleet's tragic fate. The recovered treasures, from coins to artifacts, provide a tangible connection to the past. They also highlight the enduring allure of treasure hunting and the dedication of those who seek to uncover history's hidden gems. The legacy of the 1715 Fleet discoveries is a testament to the spirit of exploration and the unending quest for knowledge.


The recent discovery of over 210 silver reales off the coast of Florida is a remarkable achievement in the world of treasure hunting. It showcases the power of modern technology, the importance of conservation, and the thrill of uncovering pieces of history. This find not only adds to the rich legacy of the 1715 Fleet but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for future treasure hunters. With the right tools, knowledge, and passion, who knows what other hidden treasures await discovery beneath the waves?

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