<p><strong>Was contacted last year to recover a Diamond\Platinum ring valued at $21,000.</strong> Owner lost it when it caught on the ladder while climbing into the boat. Spent over 20 hours and in the water and 12 hours drive time on two trips to the lake last year with another brand of water detector that was behaving erratically to say the least.</p>
<p>Purchased an E-TRAC the year before and was so impressed by its performance that I invested in the CTX 3030 as my go to water machine. Water level of lake, where the ring was lost, is used to provide water for agriculture irrigation and due to the drought this particular lake was lowered 8 feet from its normal level. This prompted a third trip with hopes that the area would now be above water. When we arrived at the lake we actually parked and walk out to the area, it was high and dry. After about three hours I was able to recover the ring, it was in about 6 feet of water the year before and I must have been so close.</p>
<p>My wife has since inherited my E-TRAC and I am using the CTX 3030 fulltime on land and water. This past weekend I went out to a "hunted out" spot and found a barber dime, two standing liberty quarters, three mercs, 2 washingtons qtrs, and 3 rosies.... Absolutely incredible machine!!!!!</p>
Buy Minelab CTX 3030 Standard Metal Detector with Wireless Headphones Now