
Metal Detecting Farm Fields

Published by Carolyn Yohannes on 03/02/18

If you live near a farm, you may have a great opportunity to find some treasure. Many farms have been around for a long time, but even newer farms can hold secrets of their own.

Gaining Permission

There are typically a few weeks between harvesting and planting crops in a field. This would be an ideal time to ask permission to detect. Becoming part of a metal detecting club could help you gain access to the field. Whether you decide to go with a club or alone, the OnX maps Hunt Premium App Membership can help you find out who owns the property.

Finds from Workers

Old Homestead

Old Homestead

Farming is one of the longest-running activities in the world – it was what allowed people to settle in one place after all. Because of this, you could find some pretty old treasure, depending on how long the farm or community has been around, as well as current clad. It’s not uncommon to find pocket spills from workers, either from working in the field or taking a break. Since farms have the soil broken up on a regular basis, you are likely to find things for many years to come.

Unexpected Finds

Sometimes farmland layouts change to best take advantage of nutrients in the soil. Some areas that are now farmlands were open fields that were not needed or set aside for other uses. This is especially true in the United States. This leads to the possibility of finding an old homestead or military encampment where the farm field is now located. In the video below, the Hoover Boys stumbled upon a very interesting site that you have to see to believe.

A farmer’s livelihood depends on the fields you request to hunt. When permission is given, follow any rules or requests from the farmer. Taking a ‘no’gracefully will also go a long way in showing that the hobby is respectful of others.

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