I used both the Makro Racer 2 and the Garrett Ace 400 detectors on Sunday 9/5/2016, it rained a little too much before then so I couldn't use them all weekend like I intended. Both machines performed well, although I couldn't get either to calm down (in) the surf.
I operated the Makro Racer 2 in all metal and beach mode with minimal sensitivity in the wet sand and surf to eliminate the chatter from the salt exposure. It worked just fine in the wet sand but not so good in the water. The Garrett Ace 400 was about the same, but the beauty of this unit is that in the dry sand it performed just as good as the Racer. I would say that I'm truthfully a fan of both units and recommend them both for entry level/mid-level detectorists.
Honestly, Juno Beach is a very clean beach, signs of (protected) sea turtles litter the beach more than any treasure or trash. I didn't find anything so my adventure was more of a test than a treasure find but I had a boat load of fun testing. I have only been to Juno Beach once but I fell in love with the experience so I will be returning in the very near future to dirt fish, (metal detect) and fish the waters off of the beautiful fishing pier!
Along the way I met a nice gent and past customer of ours named Fred, (pictured with me). He was using the minelab Excalibur II and he experienced pretty much the same thing I did during his search, a very (clean) beach. We shared stories and laughed at our lack of success, completely ok with the sea turtles having a very clean entry to life on earth. He has my information as I'm always equipped with business cards. I hope to hear from him soon, or maybe even see him again at one of our many beaches, as I am normally a beach hunter, no particular beach, just love beaches in general.
In the past I have found many modern coins with the Minelab Excalibur II and I'm looking to take her back out for another run, maybe even Juno to see if the Racer, the 400, or Fred left anything behind for me to find.