Minelab’s Manticore: 50% More Powerful Than Equinox
Published by Calla Mounkes on 08/29/22
This information is tentative and is subject to change. Information about Minelab’s Manticore is still being released so check back here for updates. Sign up for email updates here.
The Evolution of Multi-IQ+
The Manticore has been 3-years in the making at Minelab’s Australian headquarters. Packed with twice as much battery power as the Equinox metal detector, the Manticore funnels that power straight into the metal detector’s coil for deeper detection and faster recovery times. Wireless headphones, a carbon fiber shaft and a new coil ear configuration may make the Manticore the new must-have metal detector.
What’s Changed and What’s the Same
Minelab has updated most if not all of the features for the Manticore. If you are familiar with the CTX 3030 and the Equinox, you will see some similarities in the Manticore.
The Equinox’s audio tones have similarities to the Normal audio setting you’ll see in the current version of the Manticore. Minelab has added two new audio features to the Manticore, however, with Enhanced and Continuous modes to give expert detectorists even more knowledge about their targets while they are out in the field. Enhanced audio quiets some of the smaller targets so you can get a feel for size through the audio. Continuous mode lets you use a VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) type audio, giving even more of detail about the target you are detecting.
The Equinox’s Iron Bias has been updated in the Manticore’s Ferrous Limit feature which hopefully will allow you to focus on the iron targets you want rather than the iron trash.
The backlit screen of the CTX and Equinox has been bolstered with both a backlit keypad as well as a search flashlight so you can have as much light as you need if you like to go night hunting. The Manticore can auto-adjust to the ambient light as the sun sets so you can always see your display. If auto-adjust is not your thing, you can manually set the brightness from 0-10. The flashlight has three settings, low, medium and high.
The connectors for charging and waterproof headphones seem to be the same as the Equinox with the same configuration. A similar pair of waterproof headphones to the Equinox’s will be released for Minelab’s Manticore. The Manticore will not have bluetooth capability, and will have proprietary low-latency wireless connectivity only.
Search Modes & Discrimination
The Manticore’s Discrimination algorithms have been updated with even more precision. The sophisticated Discrimination Patterns will help you traverse trashy beaches and still come out with treasure on the other side. Manticore’s modes might be a little different than modes seen on other metal detectors. You will find All-Terrain & Beach in addition to Goldfield mode. Here is a full list of Manticore’s modes as seen on a current test video:
- All-terrain general
- All-terrain fast
- All-terrain low conductors
- All-terrain high conductors
- All-Terrain Trash Reject
- Beach General
- Beach Low Conductors
- Beach Deep
- Beach Surf & Seawater
- Goldfield General
Enter Beast Mode
One of the most exciting features on the Manticore is the two-dimensional target visualizer on the screen. This gives you an estimation of what shape the target might be so you don’t have to dig every beep if you are only searching for silver coins. Couple that with the different audio and ferrous capabilities, and you have an incredibly powerful detector with a ton of flexibility for wherever you prefer detecting. Beaches, relic fields, and goldfields are all great places to take the Manticore and test its strength. Keep watching here for more updates on Manticore that will be coming out in the next few weeks.

50% more power in Minelab’s Manticore.
- General Settings Menu
- Frequency
- Multi-IQ+
- Single Frequency (5, 10, 15, 20 & 40 kHz)
- Audio Theme
- Normal
- Enhanced
- Continuous
- Target Tones
- Ferrous Tones
- Ferrous Limit (similar to Iron Bias system in Equinox)
- Discrimination Pattern
- Recovery Speed (0-8)
- Ground Balance
- Noise Cancel
- Search Mode
- Volume (0-25)
- Frequency
- Other Information
- Sensitivity (0-35)
- Target ID (0-99)
- Battery Life: ~9 Hours with Typical Settings