
Ms. Lady Liberty Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance


<p><strong>I have been detecting with Minelab's E-TRAC for about a year now.</strong> I got involved with our local metal detecting club and was privileged to be mentored by some experienced E-TRAC users!! Each month, members of the club would bring in spectacular finds such as seated dimes, Barber halves, standing liberty quarters and large cents from the early 1800's.</p> <p>I was determined to find some of these old coins and success began to happen. However, one coin on my bucket list was eluding me...."The Large Cent". Rob (my boyfriend) had retrieved 5 to my none!! Let's be irritating!! It has to be my turn to find one!!</p> [split] <p>We had been to places where I certainly had the potential to find one but I was not fortunate to locate one. A friend of mine told me she had a friend named Bea who lived in an 1828 house and obtained permission for Rob and I to hunt there. I won't lie...I thought here is my chance to possibly land a large cent. Bea said "I don't think you'll find anything here except maybe the screwdriver I dropped out the window one time".</p> <p>Eager to detect, we arrived at Bea's and began hunting. We were both getting a bit discouraged because we weren't really getting any worthwhile hits. About an hour into the hunt, I got a solid signal that read "9:45, 12:45, 11:45". I thought hmmmm better not be one of those memorials that make you think it's a quarter! As I began to dig for the coin, I realized it was under a root and my excitement began to increase as I doubted it would be a memorial at this point. I was nervous so I asked Rob to help me recover this potentially amazing coin. When she revealed herself...I was in a state of shock and overwhelmed with joy and excitement. FINALLY!! Not only did I score a large cent, it was an 1829 Matron Head Large Cent in unbelievable condition. I can only hope I look that good when I turn 184 years old. I couldn't be happier with this find and sharing it with my best friend and love of my life made it all the more sweeter. I then thanked God, kissed my coin, and ran to show Bea. What a beautiful historical rescue that I will always cherish!</p> <p>Now, I have to run off and talk E-smack to my friends with V3is. Happy Hunting Everyone!!</p>


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