
My Driveway Find


I had a funny streak of luck two days ago. On the 24th, 30 feet from my front door, I was doing some work on my pickup in my driveway.I was just messing around and grabbed my detector out of the front seat; playing around digging pennies up my driveway. I got about 4 zincolns in my pocket and swung my Fisher F2 around again. I got multiple signals, 58, 60-62, so I used the pinpointer on the F2. Took my digger and shoveled out about two inches, what appeared to be a small dirty bent knife and I thought wow! A knife! But upon closer look discovered something much different... It was in fact a solid brass letter opener with the words Turkey embossed into the blade. So excited, I took it inside and washed it off. Other than being a little bent it was in great shape. So I went back out to pick up my gear and with curiousity swung again and 61 signal came up. So I dug... Roughly a foot from the letter opener was, believe it or not, the little brass scabbard that went with it! My first exciting find! I hope to get some more permission in my area because I actually live about 100 yards from the old east coast railroad that has been abandoned for years. But my thinking is about 8 years ago some contractors were excavating along the highway where the railway follows. They were loading the fill dirt they were removing and giving it to homeowners for free. At the time I recieved roughly 8 truckloads and spread it about my property, including the driveway.... For the first year I picked up a truckload of antique bottles out of my yard and now since this happened my curiousity is soaring.... Although I can't afford the Garrett AT Pro that I dream of, I will still use my F2 until it gives up, lol. Thanks for reading!


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