<p><strong>This dig started when Dan kindly invited me (Dean) and Scott for a day out detecting on one of his farms.</strong> Like any day out detecting we didn't know what was going to unfold. We arrived at the farm about 8.am, made a quick brew and got kitted up for the day. Weather forecast was overcast but dry.</p>
<p>Dan uses the CTX 3030 and his settings for the day was (open screen, manual sensitivity up to 29, response smooth and 50 conductive tone). Me and Scott both use the Deus, my setting was program 1 and 2 tone and Scott was on Deus fast. We followed Dan through the farm and on to a ploughed field.</p>
<p>We detected for about an hour digging up a few coppers and bits and bobs, then Dan shouted out hammered coin. Dan had found the first hammered coin of the day ( Henry 11 half cut ) our spirits was up now and not long after ( about 30 mins ) I found my first hammered coin (Edward 1 penny) in the next 2 hours I dug up 2 more hammered coins (Elizabeth 1 three pence and a Henry 11 short cross half) it was developing in to a very productive day. We decided to move to the field next door to us.</p>
<p>About an hour had gone with not many signals, and then Dan dug up his 2nd hammered coin (Eddy penny half cut) shortly after I found my 4th hammered coin ( Elizabeth 1 half groat ) it was Scott's turn now and he dug up another hammered coin ( Edward 1 penny ) we detected on for another hour before going back to the car for lunch and a drink. WOW, what a day so far (7 hammered coins ). We made our way back to the last field and decided to follow the edge of the field all the way around next to a path way.</p>
<p>2 Hours had gone by with only a few modern coins found. The day was coming to a end and out of the blue Dan shouted GOLD, GOLD, GOLD! Me and Scott ran over and was amazed and so glad we was there to witness this beautiful item dug up and saved from the plough (Saxon gold stud mount).</p>
<p>We detected for another hour and then made our way back to the car. Definitely a day to remember.</p>
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