<p><strong>I went on a night hunt with a couple buddies.</strong> My friend found a real nice Indian Head penny and I only found a musket ball. It started to drizzle out then just before it started to pour, I got a solid 12-36 in all directions at about 6".</p>
<p>Now in this field I have found four large coppers including a King George II, four Indians and dozens of buttons. But what I was about to dig up, I never thought I would find. It took awhile to find it with my pinpointer after getting it out of the hole.</p>
<p>When I first picked it up, I knew it was silver. Before seeing the shape, I thought it was a silver three cent piece. Closer inspection I thought a broken Reale. It was not until I got home and posted it on my detecting group's Facebook page that I realized what I had.</p>
<p>To my best determination I had found a Phillip IV Spanish Colonial Cob. Dating between 1621-1665. Never in a million years did I think I would find this. And the E-TRAC sniffed it out as this field is iron filled in many places.</p>
<p>Awesome to find a coin that pre dates your country by more than 100 years. I love my E-TRAC more and more every day. Thanks Minelab!!</p>