<p><strong>Well the day started our rough.</strong> Son missed the bus so I had to take him to school. On the way back I decided to stop at the summer camp I work at. The owner was up and I started talking to him and he asked how the detecting has been. I told him a little slow do to all the rain we are getting up here in New England. He stated he wanted to show me a spot I should try. I happened to have my detector in the beetle so I grabbed it and jumped on his golf cart.</p>
<p>He drove me to the side of our small golf driving range and took me about 100 feet into the woods. In front of me I could see all kinds of old metal pots and glass. The area was covered in weeds but in one area it looked like what used to be an old foundation. He said that before his family bought the camp the part was a farm and a small cabin used to be here. He stated that when his dad started making the driving range they found some old coins mostly Wheaties but a few silver!! He told me to go for it. </p>
<p>I started to detect and dug up some junk and was getting a little frustrated. The black flies were eating me alive and the weeds and roots made digging whatever signals that the Safari rang out hard to dig. After about a half hour of detecting it started to rain. I was getting ready to leave when the safari started singing over this one spot showing coin at about 6 inches. I couldn't resist so I marked the spot and went and put the Safari under cover when back and started digging. </p>
<p>I had dug about 5 inches when I saw some cloth. I kept digging and what appeared reminded me of one of the old marble bags I had when I was a kid. When I attempted to lift out the bag it totally fell apart showing me its treasure it had hidden, 43 Wheaties from 1919 to the 50's and my first Indianhead a 1907. My first cache and all in great shape!! When the rain stops I am hitting that spot hard!! Thank god my kid missed the bus!! </p>