
The Find of a Life Time


<p><strong>I would like to share my story of "The Find Of A Life Time".</strong></p> <p>"The Brutus Eid Mar 42 B.C. coin".</p> <p>I found the above mentioned coin with a Minelab CTX 3030 which I had borrowed from a friend we always catch up every 6 weeks to go metal detecting for the weekend, this particular weekend Matt was called back to Bristol early and allowed me to use his Minelab CTX 3030 as he knew I was thinking of purchasing one.</p> <p>I went to one of my normal metal detecting sites which I have been visiting for the past 4 years with my own E-TRAC, but this time I went armed with the Minelab CTX 3030, after several hours of using the Minelab CTX 3030 a few silver coins had come up and a few other coins were found.</p> <p>On investigating the Roman Coin in more detail I went to Spinks of London where it was "CONFIRMED"!!! that it was a "Brutus Eid Mar 42 B.C. Coin. Which I have now registered with the "British Museum of London.</p>


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