<p><strong>As the season came to a close here in Michigan in late November and the snow began to fall, I decided to ask a home owner named Betty, if I could hunt her yard come spring this year.</strong> The home dates to the mid-thirties and she and her husband became the owners in 1953. I've recently suffered a heart attack and was concerned whether I'd be able to handle my Minelab Safari this season. So I sold it and bought the new Minelab X-TERRA 505.</p>
<p>Well to make this story much shorter, I walked over to Betty's yard and once again introduced myself and again asked if it would be okay to metal detect her yard. She said yes and my second day I found a 1953 silver quarter, a silver heart shaped pendent, a 1973 dime, a 1965 penny and a lot of iron targets as well. I truly love this new detector and find that it's very similar to the X-TERRA 70 I owned a few years ago. I nearly bought the X-TERRA 705 but decided to purchase the X-TERRA 505 and use the extra cash to buy a new 6"DD 18.75kHz round coil. There's just no better metal detector than a Minelab as far as I am concerned. Thanks Minelab for making really good machines.</p>