V3i Finds Chinese Coins on the OR Coast
<p><strong>This is a photo of four ancient Chinese coins I came across recently while beach detecting on the N. Oregon coast, using my new Spectra V3i.</strong> The stretch of beach where I found the coins has lost quite a bit of sand this past while with the extreme springtime high and low tides; consequently, I have been enjoying the search in several acres of gravel and rock where many older items have settled in from over the years.</p>
<p>The coins have a characteristic 'red copper' look, and have been attributed to the Q'ing Dynasty by a numismatist friend. These particular examples were issued between 1736 and 1796.</p>
<p>How the coins arrived to the north coast area and remain in such good condition -- it's anyone's guess. It has been noted, historically, that the population of Native American Indians who lived in this area during the late 19th century often had Chinese coins with them which were used for charms and for bartering. Perhaps the answer lies here.</p>
<p>I am enjoying my Spectra V3i immensely, many thanks to my friends there at Sweet Home for recommending and setting me up with this fine detector.</p>