<p><strong>I was using my V3i in the deep silver program with 2.5kHz normalized and with a bit of custom VDI tones, all with me in the back country of PA.</strong></p>
<p>This was one of my best finds this year, which the story started out with getting the landowners permission to do some hunting, and with that out of the way I was able to find a spot where a colonial cabin used to stand that was used by George Washington during the Rev war. So I got out my V3i and put it in my custom deep silver mode and went at it. There was a ton of relics that I recovered that day, but this takes the cake!</p>
<p>I spent a good two hours finding spoons, trinkets, copper and brass stuff, and then I went to climb out of the foundation, which I forgot to turn my detector off and when I pulled it up onto the side of the stone wall it went absolutely +95, and I went over the spot a few swings and still the same, at this point I was really puzzled as why there would be something in the wall, but I removed a few of the stones and underneath one of them was this large coin and I immediately rinsed it off with my water and went to show the landowner.</p>
<p>I have found a great deal of Spanish coins so I knew its origin, and the landowner let me keep it and when I showed it to a coin dealer he told me that it is a Spanish milled or pillar dollar, which was the equivalent to our one dollar coin of that era, and furthermore it has a huge, punched hole where someone wore this as a piece of security! I can't thank White’s enough for making such a nicely operating machine that is well worth its cost.</p>
<p>Happy hunting.</p>