A small park on a bay front the day after Sally (huricane) blew a few rain bands in our even this side of Daytona. Signals seem good after the sandy soil is damp, so taking advantage of conditions the hunt began. Four dollars in 25 cents/two dollars in 10cents a wheaty/ a Jeff buff. Of course STUFF from trash to what the heck is this. Sweat and smiles dominated this day. It was time to rehydrate, a command decision to get drink and relocate was made. Covid has biketoberfest not sponsored this year had my mind gazing at open area of deserted areas where vendors used to sell STUFF. This is the spot. Parking, asking if ok to hunt, the swinging in the sun began again. STUFF every where not the kind that made me smile or no doubt the riders that had STUFF fall off their bikes. There was a bus stop and my smile started to ring in again with $1.50, ( hydration paid for). I had about all the STUFF I could stand. Another command decision was made, back to the truck as thunder lightning also helped the decision as carrying a metal shovel during a (SALLY storm) seemed like a good way to keep STUFF out of my pants. Only a hundred feet to go when of course the loudest scream of the day interrupted the now drizzle faster need to get to the truck. The pinpoint and plug removal was record breaking, as the thunder applauded my moves. To my surprise two cars in the hole kept me from getting to my truck totally dry. Two HOT STUFFS in one hole, made another smile for the last damp run to the truck. The not pictured car is a 1995 Corvette Hongkong made. Now for the STUFF: (HOT WHEELS STUFF) rare 1968 custom AMX: made
in the USA, buried 50 years. Had to do a frame off restoration.