
Small Coil Pays Off


<p><strong>Nov 13, 2011. My story starts at the coast in SC, deep in the woods with my Minelab X-TERRA 705, trying to locate a yankee camp.</strong> I was using my 3 KHz coil (my personal favorite) when it got caught on some thick underbrush and snapped off my detector. Luckily I had another coil, even though it was a 5" it was better than nothing.To be honest at first I was upset that I had to detect a area so big with a coil so small, but after changing then out I soon discovered I could reach under fallen trees and thick brush where no others could, and did it pay off.</p> <p>My first signal I dug was a flat button, followed by some Revolutinary era cuff links and several other good find. I had a great time and I can't wait to hit those woods again, might even detect them again with the 5" even though the mail lady just delivered my new 3 KHz coil. At the end of the day I had 5 buttons, a percussion cap rifle hammer, cuff links and some more goodies.</p>


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