I returned to a beautiful 1850s permission on a New England fall day. My trusty Ace 400 and I set out on our detecting journey. Low and behold, a scratchy low to mid 80s signal rang in my ears. The hole was difficult and I had to dig past three roots to reach the target. I located the target with my pinpointer and maneuvered my hand past the roots. I pulled out a clump of wet and sticky mud and oit popped a coin like target. All i could make out was 1860 and that it was holed. I placed in my pouch and continued on my detecting journey. When i returned home, i gently brushed and washed the mystery target. When what did my wondering eyes did appear but an 1860 Abraham Lincoln campaign token staring back at me. He now resides with the Columbia CT historical society and on display at the town hall for all to see.
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