SKU: 237-30110301
Minelab GPZ 7000 Metal Detector
with Waterproof 14x13" Super D Search Coil and Coil Cover
Introducing the Minelab GPZ 7000 Gold Metal Detector. No manufacturer until now has even attempted or been able to perfect a new revolutionary technology available ONLY in the new GPZ 7000 gold detector. Amazing features that take gold hunting to a much higher level to (now) detect really deep gold nuggets easier than ever, even the smallest pieces of gold you missed before. The dream of all gold hunters is to have technology available to discover deeper gold in so-called worked out gold areas. The Minelab GPZ 7000 metal detector has been tested and proven to locate small to large size nuggets up to 40 % DEEPER than the deep seeking GPX 5000!
Be the first in your area to hunt your favorite gold hunting sites and use the GPZ7000 to find those deeper, larger nuggets you know must be there. Field tested by some of the best known gold hunters in the USA, the results were dramatic and absolutely positive proof that this detector is far above the rest in finding gold! Kellyco has been selling and using Minelab’s Gold Detectors for 18 years, (since 1996). Our hands-on experience before and after any purchase are always available to you. Call on the Pro’s who know!
GPZ 7000 availability will be limited. Order yours as quickly as you can. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to go deeper than others detecting in your favorite areas and sites you have always wanted to hunt.
Included Accessories
14x13" Waterproof Super-D Smart Search Coil, Koss UR-30 Headphones, WM 12 Wireless Module (non-waterproof), Pro-Swing 45 and additional J-Strut, 2 Field Guides, X Change 2 Software and Instruction Manual CD, Car Charger Plug, USB Charging Mini Cable for Wireless Module, USB PC cable to connect GPZ 7000 for GPS Data to X Change and Google Maps, Li-Ion Rechargeable Pack, BC 10 Battery Charger with Multi-Country / Universal Charging Plugs, Battery Terminal Connection Cable for Charging Directly from a Car Battery, GA 10 Guide Arm
So how deep can you go? Well, up to 40%* deeper than the GPX series. Old gold fields are new again, thanks to the revolutionary new ZVT technology. Minelab takes you much deeper than ever before!
The incredible sensitivity of the GPZ 7000 with the SuperāD coil gives you the ultimate advantage in the field. Find gold others have missed, from sub-gram gold through to those elusive ‘retirement nuggets’ still out there.
Most gold is buried in the mineralized ‘difficult’ ground that many detectors can’t cope with. The GPZ 7000 accurately ‘balances’ and automatically ‘tracks’ to even the most severe ground conditions, with ease.
The outstanding noise immunity of the GPZ 7000 enables very smooth and quiet detecting. With 256 Noise Cancel channels, the GPZ 7000 picks up less atmospheric noise. Listen to the gold, not the noise interference!
The easy-to-use Menu Pages group similar functions together under Detect and Map sections, with all settings quickly accessible. Use the Guide Sequences to get started. You don’t need to be an expert to find gold!
Detect without your headphones attached to the detector. With the WM 12 Wireless Module you have the choice of using the in-built speaker, the supplied headphones, or your favorite headphones.
See your location and log gold finds as you detect. With the built-in GPS you’ll efficiently cover more ground and won’t miss a nugget! Record your favourite ‘hot-spots’ by saving data to XChange 2 with Google Maps.
The GPZ 14 coil is waterproof and submersible to a depth of 3 ft. (1m). You can easily detect rivers and shorelines with no fuss! The weatherproof design of the GPZ 7000 allows you to go detecting in rainy or wet conditions.
ZVT (Zero Voltage Transmission) creates ultraāconstant high-power opposite polarity magnetic fields, increasing gold sensitivity. This innovative technology detects gold nuggets at extreme depths.
GPSi uses a uāblox GPS engine to integrate location and time data with detector settings. This creates WayPoint, FindPoint and GeoHunt files to use with XChange 2.
The SuperāD smart coil consists of a central transmit winding and two outer receive windings. This configuration greatly decreases interference from magnetic soils, reducing ground noise.
WiāStream uses low-power digital audio transmission to achieve no perceivable audio time lag (less than10 ms). This provides reliability and maximum sound quality.
With extreme depth and maximum sensitivity, the GPZ 7000 outperforms both the SDC 2300 and the GPX 5000.
"1.6 ounces of gold in less than three hours!... I managed to find some decent gold at depth, including a 2 1/2 ounce nugget at over 2 1/2 feet." My goal for the upcoming year is to spend as much time as possible using this detector in known gold locations." - Steve (USA)
Technical Specifications:
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