
Gold Cube Trommel


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Product Description

Gold Cube Trommel with Mounting Template
Runs on 12V of Power. Has a Pitch Adjuster to Provide Slow to Fast Material Movement (Use it from the Beach to the Creek)

The Gold Cube Trommel is very well built and designed to fit right on top of the Gold Cube! It runs on 12 volts and needs a minimal amount of power while retro fitting to your existing pump. The Gold Cube Trommel has a pitch adjuster to provide slow to fast material movement so you can use it on the beach as well as in the creek. The hopper and the barrel have a sprayer, so cleaning your material is automatic, and it provides the proper amount of water to the Gold Cube. It comes with all the necessary mounting equipment and installs in just a few minutes with a drill. The Trommel can also be taken off when you need to use the Cube as is, or with a Gold Banker.

Any gold prospector will tell you how important classifying is, not only during primary processing in the field, but also during your final clean up and recovery. There are thousands of tailing piles out there with gold because in the past, many miners were after the bigger stuff and the small gold was just left to wash away. Gold is Gold as the saying goes but today “if you can get the small you can get it all”. Classifying to a manageable size for your material has always been a very time consuming yet rewarding effort, especially with the Gold Cube. Since the Gold Cube likes 1/8th material this step is critical and very easy if you are running concentrates from your dredge or sluice box, but what if you are just out using only a Gold Cube as your primary equipment?

In the past we would classify with a #8 into a bucket and line these buckets up as the “feeder” would scoop all the buckets into the Cube. This method works quite well, but to pre-classify 1,000 lbs of material (about 15 buckets) could take 2 hours or more of some serious shoveling. So here is our solution to that! The Gold Cube Trommel is “Shovel Ready” and goes anywhere and won’t talk back. A dependable machine that can outlast you (bring friends)! Just try to wear out our trommel and reap the rewards.

*Please Note: Gold Cube Sold Separately

Gold Cube Trommel with Mounting Template


  • Weight : 20 lbs
  • 3/16th Punch Plate
  • Extremely Well Built
  • Fully Adjustable Pitch
  • Dimensions : 11 x 15 x 37"
  • Mounting Template Included
  • Strong 12V Motor Designed for Continuous Use
  • Hardware and Template Included (simply drill 4 holes)



  • Manufacturer
    Gold Cube
  • Quick Look
    This Trommel feeds your Gold Cube with pre classified material. Needs very little power (12 V) for max output - over 1000 lbs per hour.
  • SKU
  • Product Type

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