The XP WS4 headphones are here to upgrade your Deus metal detector or replace your old headphones that came with it. Complete with a fully-removable display screen, you have full control over your detector coil right from the headphone control pod. You can go out detecting and leave the standard control pod at home so you have an even lighter setup than ever before. With the unrivaled recovery time of the Deus metal detector, you will be finding treasure in no time. No matter what you like to hunt for -- gold coins, silver jewelry or some historical relics -- the Deus has a mode for that and you can even go out with a friend to show them what fun you have out detecting. Just grab another coil like the 9" X35 and you can pair up directly with a pair of WS5 or WS4 headphones and get straight to detecting, no control pod necessary.
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