Pond Find of a Ring in New Hampshire
I found this ring in cobbit's pond Windham New Hampshire I was metal detecting in about waste deep water Just to the left of the main swimming area when I found thisā¦
I found this ring in cobbit's pond Windham New Hampshire I was metal detecting in about waste deep water Just to the left of the main swimming area when I found thisā¦
My friend and I were always interested in metal detecting and really got into it during the pandemic when we weren't allowed to go out and do our typical social activitieā¦
Occasionally my wife and I walk the trail around a small lake in one of our local parks. Recently we noticed that the park maintenance people had cleared some of the densā¦
Took my friend Paul out metaldetecting for his second time. He found a neat cigarette tin! He is really starting to love the hobby.ā¦
A small park on a bay front the day after Sally (huricane) blew a few rain bands in our even this side of Daytona. Signals seem good after the sandy soil is damp, so takā¦
I finally pulled the plug and retired from work best decision I've ever made. Open metal detecting since I got out of the army in 1973 bought my 1st metal detector thā¦
After I bought my Garrett AT Pro from Kellyco in 2016, it sat almost unused in my closet due to work and family obligations until this year when I was laid off due to COVIā¦
I returned to a beautiful 1850s permission on a New England fall day. My trusty Ace 400 and I set out on our detecting journey. Low and behold, a scratchy low to mid 80s sā¦
Our family takes a vacation the Fort Walton Beach Florida on Okaloosa Island every year and I always take my detectors not only to have a little fun digging in the sand wiā¦
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